IDP blog from ExB

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Intelligent Document Processing – in our blog we report on the latest developments, summarize current studies and explain exciting trends. Take a read, it’s worth it.

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AI, Document processing

Due to the rapid digital transformation, companies are increasingly relying on automation to make processes more efficient and minimize the susceptibility to errors. Terms such as intelligent document processing (IDP), artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA) are cropping up. These three technologies are revolutionizing industries such as logistics and are helping to improve data handling, efficiency in supply chains and document exchange along the supply chain. But what exactly is behind these technologies? What are the differences and how can they complement each other?

AI, Document processing

Optical Character Recognition (OCR), also known as optical character recognition, enables companies to efficiently extract text from PDF files. This technology converts the content of scanned documents or images into machine-readable formats, making them much easier to access and process. Since many company documents are in PDF formats - invoices, delivery bills, emails - OCR represents an important step towards automation and digitization.

AI, Document processing

Efficient workflows are the be-all and end-all of a successful company. They help to manage projects in a targeted, resource-saving and time-efficient manner. But how is it possible to design workflows in such a way that they not only run smoothly, but are also continuously improved?

AI, Document processing

Artificial intelligence (AI) is undoubtedly one of the most important digital innovations of our time. It now permeates almost all areas of industry and enables companies to make their production processes more efficient, evaluate data precisely and take automation to a whole new level. But what does artificial intelligence actually mean? What opportunities does it open up for your company and how can AI effectively change the automation of data and production processes? We'll tell you!

AI, Document processing

In a world increasingly dominated by digital technologies, it is surprising that many companies still face major challenges when it comes to processing text data. Often this data exists in digital form, but all too often it is still hidden in handwritten notes - creating a significant barrier to efficiency. From invoices to contracts to handwritten notes, data is everywhere in unstructured form. In order to use this data efficiently, technology is needed that not only recognizes texts, but also understands them contextually and converts them into usable information. Artificial intelligence (AI) offers precisely this solution.

AI, Document processing

Whether as a pile of paper or in overflowing email inboxes - the daily incoming mail often creates a confusing workload. Without clear structures and standardized processing, valuable resources are wasted. This is where an efficient software solution can help: With an intelligent inbox, work processes can not only be accelerated, but also made significantly more efficient. But what is behind a digital inbox and why should this essential step in the digital transformation no longer be postponed?

AI, Document processing

The key to future-proofing ERP software lies in expanding its capabilities. This article looks at how the integration of innovative technologies - such as intelligent AI-based document processing (IDP), mobile data capture or business intelligence - not only makes ERP systems more efficient and user-friendly, but also provides significant added value for customers.

Document processing, Process automation

In an era where digitalization and increased efficiency are at the heart of every business activity, intelligent document processing (IDP) is proving to be a key technology for innovation. This is because IDP is revolutionizing the way companies - regardless of industry - handle their documents and the data they contain. This article looks at how IDP as a white label solution can become a powerful tool for software providers to strategically position themselves as innovation leaders.

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ExB is your platform when it comes to Intelligent Document Processing. As a software provider with years of expertise, we therefore not only want to inform you about internal news, but also share interesting developments, trends and studies from the red-hot topic world around AI, IDP and Machine Learning with you. Subscribe to our newsletter now you won’t regret it. 

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Free download:

Whitepaper: The future of logistics

Find out how Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) is revolutionizing the supply chain.

Our white paper covers:

  • Current challenges in logistics
  • What is IDP?
  • Advantages of IDP in logistics
  • Use cases from practice
  • Pitfalls and challenges


Download your free copy of the white paper right here and revolutionize your supply chain with the help of AI!

Free Download:

Whitepaper is AI worth it?

Seven typical questions about AI answered:

  • Can AI help us digitize our well-rehearsed processes?
  • Are there already AI solutions for administrative processes?
  • What is the difference between OCR and AI?
  • What is the difference between rule-based and AI solutions?
  • Can historical data be used for training?
  • Does AI-supported document processing always have to be expensive?
  • How do you calculate the costs and ROI of an AI project?


Download your free copy of the whitepaper right here and find out the answers to these questions!