IPA Soft­ware

In a business world where efficiency and accuracy are crucial, Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) plays a central role. IPA stands for intelligent process automation and combines various advanced technologies to optimize document handling processes.

ExB explained in 99 seconds

Watch our video to find out how we can automate your document processing and save your company time and money.

In 99 seconds, we explain the benefits of AI-powered document processing, how our IDP technology works, the different solutions we offer and the types of documents we can process.

Intelligent Document Processing Thumbnail IDP Loesung von ExB 3

Typical use cases of our AI software

Whether claims, procurement processes or invoice processing – our AI-based IDP platform solves a variety of use cases and helps companies to increase efficiency, increase sales and reduce risks.

Delivery Bills

Can delivery bills also be processed? Yes, that’s no problem. Delivery bills accompany the delivered goods and confirm which items were delivered and in what quantity. They are important for reconciliation with the invoice to ensure that the items delivered match the items invoiced.

Ihre Vorteile mit KI-Lösungen von ExB

Zahlen, die überzeugen: Diese vier Vorteile machen deutlich, wie unsere IDP-Plattform Ihr Unternehmen verbessert.

0 %
Mit der IDP-Plattform von ExB sparen Sie bares Geld.
0 %
So hoch ist mit ExB der Anteil der IT-gestützt verarbeiteten Dokumente ohne menschliches Eingreifen.
weniger Bearbeitungszeit
0 %
Manuelle Bearbeitung? War gestern. Mit uns verringern Sie maßgeblich die Bearbeitungszeit von Dokumenten.
0 %
Wir geben stets unser Bestes – und das zahlt sich aus, denn unsere Kunden sind zufrieden & empfehlen uns weiter.

What tasks does an IPA soft­ware take on?

IPA software can make a significant contribution to the automation of business processes. A variety of tasks can be performed by suitable IPA software.

Document capture and processing: One of the most important tasks is document capture and processing. Technologies such as optical character recognition (OCR) are used here. After automated data capture, the IPA software classifies documents according to predefined criteria, which not only facilitates organization but also processing.

Data extraction and data validation: The software extracts information that is available in structured or unstructured form (as unstructured data) and checks it for accuracy and completeness.

Workflow automation: The software automates repetitive, rule-based tasks, thereby automating efficiency within business processes.

Compliance and security management: IPA software can perform automated checks to ensure that all compliance requirements are met. Data protection is a top priority.

Customer interaction and service: Customer inquiries and complaints are handled automatically by automated response systems running on IPA software. The fast response increases customer satisfaction.

Advantages of an IPA soft­ware

The implementation of IPA software brings with it a number of advantages, which can be summarized under the following points:

  • Saving time: As repetitive tasks are automated
  • Reduce costs: Days become seconds – the frequency of processed documents increases dramatically
  • Increase accuracy & compliance: Reduce human error through precise data processing and validation
  • Scalability: Adaptability to larger data volumes and different processes
  • Integration: Good IPA software can be seamlessly integrated into existing IT infrastructures and systems such as ERP, CRM and databases

For which indus­tries and com­panies is IPA soft­ware suit­able?

IPA is suitable for companies of almost all sizes and industries. It is an important B2B software. The most important areas of application and specific use cases include:

  • Healthcare:
    Patient data management: automated processing and management of patient records using IPA software enables faster extraction of important information as well as ensuring data protection.
    Insurance claims: Document verification and data extraction to automate the processing of insurance claims.


  • Logistics:
    Shipping documents: Automated creation and processing of shipping documents, delivery bills and customs documents.
    Inventory management: Monitoring and management of inventories through automatic collection and analysis of warehouse data
    Supplier management: Automation of communication and documentation with suppliers.

  • Insurance:
    Claims processing: Automation of the recording and processing of damage reports.
    Policy creation: Support in the creation and management of insurance policies through automated data processing.

  • Customer service:
    Inquiry and complaint management: Automated recording and processing of customer inquiries and complaints.
    Document management: Automated management and archiving of contracts, invoices and other customer documents.


Intelligent document processing is generally suitable regardless of the sector. Find out more about IDP for every industry.

IPA Soft&shyware from ExB

ExB is at your side as a reliable and professional partner to revolutionize your business processes. Companies often have different and very specific requirements that demand a flexible and scalable solution. Our Intelligent Document Processing software from ExB meets these requirements and can process almost all types of documents. We offer you a customized, intelligent software solution for the automated processing and analysis of documents and data.

Contact us now without obligation or book your free demo to get to know our product in detail.

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Is AI worth it?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly finding its way into our everyday lives and corresponding solutions will become a natural component of digital change in large companies and German SMEs in the coming years. But is AI also worthwhile for your company?

Wolfgang_Groß (1)

“Thanks to ExB’s software, we were able to master the challenges of document processing in the logistics sector. The automatic assignment of order documents and the generation of instructions for our employees have significantly simplified and accelerated our processes.”

Wolfgang Groß, Branch Manager
Hallog GmbH
christian michel

“ExB’s advanced technology enabled us to not only overcome AGILA’s challenges in animal health insurance, but also to provide added value. The high precision and automation of ExB’s AI extraction was a key factor in this.” 

Christian Michel, CEO
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“When it comes to innovation, we’ve come to see ExB as the thought leader in AI and IDP, and a valuable sparring partner capable of championing the key strategic role of ML and automation.” 

Andy Mura, Director Marketing
Thorsten Drews MTU

“Thanks to the collaboration with ExB, we have been able to tremendously optimize our email processes in conjunction with our procurement system. It is as if we have received a digital extension of our team, working tirelessly and accurately.” 

Thorsten Drews, IT-Projectmanager
MTU Maintenance Hannover

Further information on ExB's IDP software

Explore our comprehensive platform overview, discover the benefits for your industry and expand your knowledge with our informative IDP blog and advice section.

Find out what IDP is, how our platform works and what advantages it offers.

With ExB, you can automate your document processing - no matter what industry your company belongs to.

In our blog, we report on the latest developments and explain exciting trends relating to IDP and AI.

Do you have any questions?
We are here for you.
G141 ISO-Zertifikat

+49 89 6931030

Mon - Fri (9:00 am - 6:00 pm)

Free Download:

Whitepaper is AI worth it?

Seven typical questions about AI answered:

  • Can AI help us digitize our well-rehearsed processes?
  • Are there already AI solutions for administrative processes?
  • What is the difference between OCR and AI?
  • What is the difference between rule-based and AI solutions?
  • Can historical data be used for training?
  • Does AI-supported document processing always have to be expensive?
  • How do you calculate the costs and ROI of an AI project?


Download your free copy of the whitepaper right here and find out the answers to these questions!

Free download:

Whitepaper: The future of logistics

Find out how Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) is revolutionizing the supply chain.

Our white paper covers:

  • Current challenges in logistics
  • What is IDP?
  • Advantages of IDP in logistics
  • Use cases from practice
  • Pitfalls and challenges


Download your free copy of the white paper right here and revolutionize your supply chain with the help of AI!